TheOneKEA wrote:
Brimstone wrote:
So what, why is there this fascination with commemorating every
incident than occurs where someone dies? How about commemorating
Quitinshill, Abermule, Harrow and the other incidents that have
occured. We could also add Staines, L
ckerbie and various other
such incidents. What leads you to suppose that the relatives and
those involved as either as surviving passengers or emergency
services personnel want to be reminded?
The folks who were involved with Ladbroke Grove have certainly minded;
they had the memorial erected near the site of the crash and I believe
they visit there on the anniversary of the crash as well!
That is their personal choice and not one I'm intending to argue with. It
hasn't been instituted by officialdom or some other outsider.
Considering that Moorgate was equally as terrible as Ladbroke Grove,
it seems only logical that the bereaved and anyone else involved in
that may want to hold some sort of ceremony. And I would not be
surprised if anyone involved in any of the incidents you named don't
also do something similar, even if it is informal.
If they did it would more likely have been done at the 10th or 25th
It is only in very recent years that this wish to commemorate every
incident, evidenced by the abundance of memorials at the scene of road and
other accidents, has arisen. Previously people learnt lessons (usually) and
got on with their lives, the bereaved were left to grieve in peace.
The "memorial", if you want one, is in daily use all over the
system. It's know as "Moorgate Control".
Either way, I was only curious if anything official was planned.