Epping-Ongar services closer to fruitition
Ian Harper wrote:
With the Regional Spatial Strategy putting forward proposals for
6,000 dwellings at North Weald as a sustainable community, you might
find Prescott placing a bit of pressure on Livingstone to re-extend
that Central Line..
And send trains where?
Suppose the line is upgraded with a substation at Ongar, new P/Way, and
double track as far as North Weald (or even just the passing loop at
North Weald). Where would you send the trains on the line?
If a serious attempt to get through traffic ever materialized, you
would need through services at least as far as Loughton or Woodford (or
even Leytonstone!) to make the whole exercise worthwhile. Otherwise you
might as well rebuild Epping with an island platform.
This of course is all dependent on porcine flight, mind...