Ashley Brown wrote:
[1] Sadly, the bus stop flag outside Huxley building is also behind a
tree, so new Thorpes drivers tend to go sailing past then slam on the
brakes a bit down the road after shouts of "Oi mate, stop!" and "'Ang on
mate, you missed one!".
You mean they actually do that? If drivers on any of the routes I go on
sail past a stop where people might have wanted to get off, they just
say "tough" and carry on to the next stop.
They see the stop at the very last minute - you have to yell while
they're still thinking about whether to slam on the brakes or not. It
tips the balance in favour of pulling up a short way down the road most
of the time.
Most of the Thorpes drivers I've encountered seem to drive a bit fast,
but have a good amount of common sense when it comes to passengers. One
did manage to drive off with the rear doors open (which I thought wasn't
possible until that point), but thankfully ringing the bell quickly woke
him up.
I've noticed the fast driving too. It's quite exciting on the way down
Kensington Church St sometimes!
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7 - Transport projects in London