Some capping examples
To help people understand I thought I'd type up the examples of how
capping will work from the LU training slides. Please note that the
fare values are for now - not post 27 Feb 2005.
If you ask questions I can't guarantee to answer them properly as I've
not had the training!
I hope you find it helpful - perhaps people can see why capping has been
a complex thing to get in place.
Bus / Tram Capping - Cap is £3.00
Trip Time Pre Pay Cumulative Notes
Fare Charge
1 06.15 80p 80p
2 10.30 80p £1.60
3 12.00 80p £2.40
4 13.15 60p £3.00
System only deducts 60p to reach the Bus Cap. Total charge for the day
is £3.
Day Travelcard (Peak) Capping.
Bus Cap £3.00, Z12 Peak £6, Off Peak £4.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
Pk OP Bus
1 Bus 06.15 80p 80p 80p
2 Z2-1 08.45 2.10 2.90 80p
3 Z1-1 13.00 1.70 4.60 1.70 80p
4 Z1-1 15.00 1.40 6.00 3.10 80p Pk Cap
The system only deducts £1.40 to reach the Z12 peak cap. Total charge is
Day Travelcard (Off Peak) Capping - Z12 OP cap is £4.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z2-1 9.45 2.10 2.10
2 Z1-1 11.00 1.70 3.80
3 Z1-1 12.30 0.90 4.70 Z12 Cap
4 Z1-1 15.00 0 4.70
5 Z1-2 16.30 0 4.70
The system only deducts 90p to reach Z12 off peak cap. Total charge
Peak Travel with Off Peak Capping.
Z12 OP Cap £4.70, Z16 caps peak £12, off peak £5.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z6-1 8.30 3.50 3.50
2 Z1-2 9.35 2.10 5.60 2.10
3 Z2-1 13.00 2.10 7.70 4.20
4 Z1-1 15.00 0.50 8.20 4.70 Z12 Cap
System only deducts 50p to reach off peak cap of £4.70. Total charge for
the day is £8.20 - (£4.70 off peak cap value plus standard pre pay fare
of £3.50) which is less than the Z16 cap of £12.
Peak Travel with Off Peak Capping.
Z12 OP Cap £4.70, Z16 caps peak £12, off peak £5.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z6-1 8.30 3.50 3.50
2 Z1-2 9.35 2.10 5.60 2.10
3 Z2-1 13.00 2.10 7.70 4.20
4 Z1-1 15.00 0.50 8.20 4.70 Z12 Cap
5 Z1-6 17.30 1.00 9.20 5.70 Z16 Cap
System only deducts £1 to reach the next off peak cap of £5.70. Total
charge for the day is £9.20 - (£5.70 off peak cap value plus standard
pre pay fare of £3.50) which is less than the Z16 peak cap of £12.
Peak Travel with Peak Capping.
Z16 caps peak £12, off peak £5.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z6-1 7.15 3.50 3.50
2 Z1-2 8.20 2.10 5.60
3 Z2-1 13.00 2.10 7.70 2.10
4 Z1-1 15.00 1.70 9.40 3.80
5 Z1-6 17.30 2.60 12.00 6.40 Z16 Cap
Note that trip 2 is in the peak so its value does not count towards the
off peak cap.
Both peak and off peak caps are reached on trip 5 so the system
calculates whether peak cap is cheaper than off peak cap plus cumulative
peak pre-pay fares
5 Z1-6 17.30 1.90 11.30 5.70 Z16 OP Cap
Total charge for the day is £11.30 (£5.70 Z16 off peak cap plus £5.60
peak pre-pay charges.
Mixed Travelcard and Pre Pay capping (Z1 travelcard)
Customer has Z1 travelcard and prepay. Off peak Z26 cap is £4.00
Trip Zone time Ext Cum Notes
Fare Charge
1 Z1-6 09.45 1.80* 1.80 Z26 ext price
2 Z6-3 15.00 1.80 3.60
3 Z3-1 18.30 0.40 4.00 Z26 cap
System only deducts 40p top reach Z26 off peak cap.
* fares deducted exclude Z1. Total charge for the day £4.00
What happens if passenger does not touch out? (unresolved jny)
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z2-1 09.45 2.10 2.10
2 Z1-1 15.00 1.70 3.80
3 Z1-? 18.30 1.70 5.50
Customer fails to validate on exit. As a consequence an incomplete
journey charge is made. Total charge for day is £5.50 as the incomplete
journey does not count towards the cap.
What happens if the journey is resolved?
Z12 cap is £4.70
Trip Zone time Fare Cum Notes
1 Z2-1 09.45 2.10 2.10
2 Z1-1 15.00 1.70 3.80
3 Z1-2 19.15 2.10 5.90 Resolved fare
4 Z2-2 21.30 0 5.90 Z12 cap
Nothing is deducted as Z12 cap is reached. total charge for the day is
£5.90. Customer pays £1/20 more than they should as a result of the
incomplete journey. This amount will count towards any subsequent cap.
Please note that the above is a straight copy of the slides I have. I
will readily admit I don't fully understand the unresolved journey
examples and I can see why people may have a "reaction" to this. Please
don't "have a go" at me for posting this - I don't make the policy and
as I don't understand the logic for having it set like this - other than
to provide an incentive to touch in and out - then I cannot be expected
to take any crap for it.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!