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Old August 13th 03, 12:52 PM posted to
Angus Bryant Angus Bryant is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 15
Default Highbury and Islington Heat

"Charlie Whitaker" wrote in message
In article ,

Charlie - I take it you're going to submit this proposal of yours to LU

the 100k competition? I must admit to working with some mates on an
alternative proposal...

I did send them the proposal in pretty much the same words as I posted
here, yes. I suspect that there will be more than a few 'thermal
flywheel' proposals in the bag for them to consider. The difference
might be that I haven't done any sums :-).

Although 100K would be useful, I did worry a bit about the ethics of
trying to justify that kind of prize in exchange for a written proposal
of 500 words or fewer. I suspect that there are no 'breakthrough' ideas
for cooling the tube - it may require careful application of a
combination of established techniques, a lot of cash and a lot of

I reckon that one wouldn't see much of the £100k personally - most of it
would be used to research and develop the idea in greater depth.

Whatever emerges from the competition should be interesting though!
