[OT] 4x4 cars on London streets
In message , at 15:15:09 on Thu,
17 Feb 2005, Mrs Redboots remarked:
So I was stood around in the cold, in a dodgy part of town, for almost
20 minutes, and got home at around 20:20, 40 minutes after my
scheduled arrival at the station - not bad for a 2.5 mile journey !
Wouldn't it have been quicker
Ten of the 40 minutes were locked in a train a hundred yards from the
station. Which has at least six platforms, only two of which were in use
when we eventually arrived. Go figure, as the yanks say.
and healthier to have walked?
Such a statement assumes a degree of healthiness capable of 5mph for
half an hour, in the cold, after a very long day. Is this an inevitable
consequence of opting for public transport? And you wonder why people
use a car if they can?
Roland Perry