South Kensington and the Museums
Roland Perry wrote:
You've hit a nail on the head here. TFL is a kind of monopoly, which
why people choose the car instead. But TFL realises that regular
travellers are making a distress purchase, and the "up for a day"
tourists are pure profit.
Couldn't agree more
Roland Perry said:
Wouldn't that just mean a wave of people all trying to visit the
museum for half an hour?
In my opinion, no.
1) There isn't much you can see in half an hour
You might not know that if you've never visited them before. In any
event, a proper staggering of closing times would take place over
than half an hour.
I have visted them all and I would say you really need to make a day of
2) By that time in the evening during a half term day at the museums
parents are quite possibly going to be worn out and want to go home
So what's the problem with them all closing at a time you now agree
all want to go home anyway?
That's not what I said. I said that after a certain time people are
unlikely to want to go to ANOTHER museum (they would probably be more
than happy to stay at the one they are at). Imagine it's half five,
the NatHist museum has just closed and you have been there since lunch
time... would you:
a) Go home
b) Go to the Sci museum for half an hour?
c) Be very daft and get the tube to High St Ken for food
3) We always went to a particular museum when I wer a lad rather
"The museums"
So you'd rather their one-off experience of Public Transport was a
nightmare, and they drove next time?
So you agree they should have preferential treatment, as we all seem
agree that the regular treatment is awful.
i) Their experience shouldn't be improved by adding delay to regular
passengers. They should be treated equaly
Ah, equally badly.
No, just the same as everyone else ie no preferential treatment at the
expense of others.
ii) Driving to the museums isn't really an option. Theres no
affordable parking in the local area (theres an expensive long stay
parking in Kingston House which is a fair walk away for kids)
The carpark under Hyde Park is close enough to make a short PT
to the museums, but still allow the cars to clog up the centre of
Roland Perry