Mrs Redboots wrote the following in:
Dan Gravell wrote to on Wed, 16 Feb 2005:
Picking up on the original point, my position is that the car is
still overused given PT provision in London. I consider that in
many cases people are too lazy, or simply do not make a conscious
decision to use PT, as if they have some kind of logical reasoning
limit. I come to this conclusion witnessing the chronic congestion
caused almost entirely by private motor vehicle users in South
And there are some people who are simply too scared to use public
transport, reckoning that they'll be mugged, robbed, raped or
otherwise inconvenienced whenever they use it. I know a young
woman of 18 whose mother has simply never allowed her to use
public transport in her entire life, which I find very shocking.
But Dad is a policeman, and Mother says that "Dad tells them" all
the dreadful things that go on
You have to admire the logic in that, it's like a doctor saying
"there's a lot of illness around, it seems like most of the people I
meet at work are sick!".
message by Robin May.
Drinking Special Brew will get you drunk in much the same way that
going to prison will give you a roof over your head and free meals.