Denham Golf Club Parkway (was Crossrail and the GW link line)
gwr4090 wrote:
The record for previous initiatives of this kind is not very encouraging.
There were similar proposals many years ago for a park and ride at Iver on
the GWML which is practically adjacent to the M25 and has lots of unused
land adjacent to the station. I believe the DfT objected because it would
require a new junction on the M25, and it would also generate more traffic
on nearby motorways rather than relieving them.
The M25/M4/M40/Heathrow area is one of the busiest and most congested
sections of the motorway network. The proposed park and ride station
at Iver would only have made the situation worse.
Far better to encourage people to travel by train from further out, to
the point where the train portion of their journey is maximised.