Denham Golf Club Parkway (was Crossrail and the GW link line)
"Orienteer" wrote:
There would also be considerable local opposition to building in green belt
land. Proposals for a GC freight terminal and a theme park at Hillingdon
were seen off for this reason.
And rightly so.
The third runway at Heathrow cannot be built
unless the already very high levels of air pollution are reduced.
Same comment applies.
What looks like 'spare land' to the casual observer is in fact highly
appreciated countryside, such as Denham Country Park.
It is so often the case that developers, construction professionals
and townies in general see green space merely as a potential
construction site, without taking the time to appreciate its value for
other purposes, or indeed for no particular purpose at all.
We live on a very crowded island. Our landscape is unique and
precious. Open spaces should be nurtured and protected from the
over-development for which future generations will not forgive us.