Disabled parking
Jeff Mowatt wrote:
Does anyone know if there's a consistent law across all boroughs for
disabled spaces in residential roads? I've noticed in Sutton for
example they have a sign indicating clearly that they are for the use
of any orange badge holder.
Nearer home in Wandsworth and Lambeth I noticed a more proprietorial
attitude, spaces are created and used exclusively by the disabled
homeowner. Ultimately the disabled person then moves home and the
space remains to be used by the next occupant, disabled or otherwise.
The reason I ask is that a housebound elderly woman I know in Lambeth
can't get access to the space near her home as it's been taken up
permanently by the far from disabled resident of the nearest
property. A council chap came round the other day and tried to have
words but had to retreat under threat of violence.
Is it marked as a space for disabled drivers? If so, the resident who parks
there should be ticketed every time.
These spaces seem a pretty good idea to me if they are used with
consideration but if as seems often the case,. they aren't, should the
council remove them once the disabled resident who originally
requested them moves on?
Absolutely. Hounslow do that already.
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)