Terror on the buses (Sidcup)
In message , Dave Arquati
may have written...
James Christie wrote:
In message
ndnet.com, Roger T.
may have written...
They are a product and reflection of our society and of their parents.
They're not going to to be the offspring of wealthy, attentive
parents, I
wager, but the offspring of the those parents who couldn't give a damn
(and have probably never talked to them nicely in their life). We need
more information before we can draw any conclusions about how to
deal with
it... but actually catching the culprits would be a good start!
It's societies fault. It's their parent's fault. It's the environment's
fault. It's the school system's fault. It's everybody's and
bloody fault but it's not their fault.
With attitudes like that, no wonder many kids are like they are.
Funny, when we used to beat the crap outta kids who did this sort of
kids didn't do this sort of thing.
I've a feeling that there's a correlation in there somewhere.
I should think so Roger. When I was a lad (now theres a cliche!), I
would never contemplate breaking windows, vandalism by way of
graffiti, or mugging/attacking OAPs. As not only was I aware from a
young that such a thing was inherently wrong, but I also knew that if
I did, not only would I get a hiding from my father but I'd probably
get one from the person I'd committed said act against!
Don't tarnish all youths with the same brush. How often do you read in
the paper "a group of under-18s took the bus normally with no
commotion"? Just because one bunch of idiots caused chaos doesn't mean
that all teenagers are automatically guilty. I'll think you'll find
that most teenagers today still actually know that mugging pensioners
is wrong!
Erg, I think you're reading too much into my post. I wasn't referring to
teenagers in general, I was merely referring to those who think its ok
to commit the aforementioned acts for their own amusement.
My neighbour has a 15 year old daughter, and she has her friends about
all the time, and I could never complain about it, they're a smashing
group of kids, and I'm sure the same can be said for a lot of them.
As regards the kids who do commit vandalism/petty crimes etc, I'm sure
the parent have a lot to answer for there.
I have a few friends who are teachers, and some of the stories they come
back with are unreal, kids swearing at them willy nilly, knowing
there'll be next to no action taken against them, total breakdown of
discipline in the playground, bullying (between pupils) widespread and
graffiti and vandalism rampant. Physical violence against teachers is
now so regular that a lot of it is no longer reported, as the Police
can't do anything about it (burden of proof, is it in public interest
The teachers have even been told that they can no longer shout at their
pupils, as this may affect them emotionally. The school also has a
policy of zero expulsions, so these 'problem' kids are allowed back into
classroom to cause further havoc.
These 4 friends have been considering resigning for some time now, but
they realise that if they leave, some other poor sod will have to put up
with it, so they stay, as they think it'd be wrong to run out on the
Can you call that normal, or ok? Why should anyone have to put up with
Was it like that when you were at school? As it certainly wasn't with
James Christie
To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
To the BI engineer, the glass is only half as big as it needs to be
...... and it's bloody near empty. "BOY".
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