Terror on the buses (Sidcup)
Nick Cooper wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:44:10 -0800, "Roger T."
They are a product and reflection of our society and of their parents.
They're not going to to be the offspring of wealthy, attentive parents, I
wager, but the offspring of the those parents who couldn't give a damn
(and have probably never talked to them nicely in their life). We need
more information before we can draw any conclusions about how to deal with
it... but actually catching the culprits would be a good start!
It's societies fault. It's their parent's fault. It's the environment's
fault. It's the school system's fault. It's everybody's and everything's
bloody fault but it's not their fault.
With attitudes like that, no wonder many kids are like they are.
Funny, when we used to beat the crap outta kids who did this sort of thing,
kids didn't do this sort of thing.
I've a feeling that there's a correlation in there somewhere.
You should try reading some contemporary reports from the 1940s, both
during and after WW2. Vandalism and hooliganism did miraculously
appear some time in the 1980s.
I expect there's a NOT missing from your last paragraph. I'm old enough
to remember Teddy-Boys ripping up seats in the local cinema.... and
later, of course the sea-side battles between Mods and Rockers.