Ways to Reduce Vandalism
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"Ed Crowley" wrote:
1. Ticket barriers at every station
2. Security guards / police patrols for stations and trains
3. A women-only carriage for late-night services.
I gather this is actually illegal under the current Sex-discrimination
legislation. Their protection is something of am illusion anyway, making an
area women only just acts as a magnet for potential attackers, they know
where suitable victims are likely to be found. This is from personal
experoence. I had to rescue a young woman from an attacker in such a
compartment at Stratford once. He'd dived into the compartment as the train
departed from Liverpool Street, Fortunately it's only 8 minutes to Stratford
and I heard her scream as the train arrived at Stratford where I was waiting
for the train.
4. CCTV on trains that actually works and is monitored.
5. Contracts with TOCs that have clauses about the condition of trains.
Graeme Wall
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Transport Miscellany at http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html