Box Junction Penalty
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 03:05:34 GMT, "Martin Underwood"
What usually happens is that when you (the right-turner) see that the gap on
the right is big enough to take your car, you start to accelerate. As you
are doing so, the left-turning car nips in ahead of you. This leaves you
stranded in the box, not in a nice neat facing-ahead-but-about-to-turn-right
position but immediately behind the car that's nipped in ahead of you,
blocking the road for any other oncoming traffic :-( [So easy to draw a
diagram; so hard to describe in words!]
The offence is entering the box, not being in it. Your exit was
presumably clear when you entered the box so you should be OK
(.....provided the PC believes you).
Peter Lawrence