Hotel Hoppa at Heathrow
"Aidan Stanger" wrote in message
I'm curious about these uncharted parts - just what part of an airport
is its bowels, and how long were the tunnels?
They were strange parts - very strange. Lots of pipes and ducting...people
in unusual uniforms, resembling protective clothing...winding, narrow
roads...dark passageways...odd sounds, including clanking and steam
emissions...very bowel-esque.
The tunnel seemed to go on for one stage, I could have sworn I was
in some kind of nightmare. The others on the bus were an odd assortment, would not have been beyond the realms of possibility for one of
them to have been Nicely-Nicely Johnson, about to burst into "Sit Down,
You're Rocking The Boat".
It was, in essence, not an experience I would every want to repeat. Although
somewhere deep within, almost spookily, I feel a pressing desire to do so...