The restoration of St. John's Woo Station
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 00:11:30 GMT, "Richard J."
JMUpton2000 wrote [his top-posting corrected here]:
"TheOneKEA" wrote in message
I noticed that the restoration of St. John's Wood appears to be
proceeding nicely. However, I noticed that the Bakerloo brown
tiling that once lined the platform wall panels is being replaced
with... Bakerloo brown tiling. NOT Jubilee grey tiling.
Is this intentional?
I believe that because SJW station is a listed building/structure,
LUL are required to replace/restore like with like.
Tube Lines[1] say that "thousands of wall tiles will be removed and
replaced with new hand-made tiles to replicate their original 1900s
character", so it sounds as if they are indeed trying to replicate the
original design (which actually dates from 1939).
What an idiotic waste of time and money, it a tube station for chrissakes.
Delenda est Carthago