On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Richard J. wrote:
Rupert Goodwins wrote:
Here's a fun page -
http://www.npagroup.co.uk/insar/products/pdf/psi.pdf It shows
satellite interferometry measurements of the centre of London, with
9mm of subsidence caused by the JLE very clearly shown. Nothing
scary - all planned for, it says - but very interesting.
But what's going on between Wandsworth and Battersea or, for that
matter, 2km due north of Westminster?
No mention was made at the time, as far as I am aware, of anything 2 km
north of Westminster. But you're right; there is a clear line of
subsidence running east from Gower Street, along the line of Torrington
Place, Byng Place, the south sides of Gordon Square and Tavistock
Square, then under Tavistock Place as far as Regent Square, just north
of Coram's Fields. There is also pronounced (red) subsidence a little
further east, near the Holiday Inn, Kings Cross Road. Does anyone
remember any major excavation projects along this line over the last 8
years or so?
There has been some resurfacing around there; i don't know when the
measurements were made, or if they'd pick that up, but it might be that.
It's also the route i used to use to cycle to work, but i'm really not
that fat.
And what about Sloane Square?
Things fall apart - it's scientific