Oyster Pre-Pay Anomaly?
"Sir Benjamin Nunn" wrote in message
"Jim" wrote in message
I'd also be interested in hearing about your tube journeys to work when
you lived in Covent Garden and worked in Leicester Square.
Yes, yes. But it doesn't take much imagination to work out that Euston
(main line station.....get the hint??) - Mornington Crescent is often a
reasonable choice. I knew that the net saving in terms of walking
distance was probably only around 500 metres (and the full distance is
quite a schlepp - have you walked it?), but the reduced effort when
carrying luggage was very attractive, believe me! I even suspect that the
tube might have been quicker than walking sometimes, although that was
not a concern for me.
Taxi, bus and walking have their various drawbacks too - people just
weigh the pros and cons differently, depending on the situation and what
their preferences are.
Reduced effort? Euston NR to the CX platforms necessitates the descent of
three escalators/stairs and considerable walking. At MC it's stairs and
lift to get back to the surface - I'd rather walk about 1/3 of a mile on a
level surface with my luggage than do that.
OK that's up to you, but do you at least admit that the decision depends on
various factors, for example how heavy the luggage is and whether there are
wheels on it? Whether it's raining? Can you honestly not imagine a situation
where this tube journey might ever be a good idea? Even if you can't, you
have to admit there's not much in it, surely?
I'd rather walk 15 minutes to the tube from my house, but my partner prefers
to walk 5 minutes to the bus stop, 5 minutes waiting and 5 minutes on the
bus - to get to the tube! I have my preference, but I find myself not as
shocked as you are that anyone should have a different preference.
Assuming an average waiting time of about 2 mins on the CX branch, I
reckon it would actually be quicker to exit Euston on the Eversholt street
and walk up to MC, than to take the Underground.
As I said, time was not an issue
When I worked in between MC and Camden Town, I thought nothing of walking
to Euston, and I'm a right fat lazy *******, me.
That's not quite my point - what I'm saying is there may be circumstances
when what seems to you at first sight like an idiotic solution is a
perfectly good idea.
xx j