On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 20:29:36 +0100 Clive D. W. Feather wrote:
} In article , Matthew
} Malthouse writes
} } British Rail, very seriously underinvesting,
} } Nowhere near true.
} } Read Roger Ford's column in the current (August) Modern Railways.
} The gist?
} A detailed analysis of this canard. Basically, BR invested lots.
} The perception as long as I can remember has been that railways have
} suffered from lack of funds.
} Yes, as in there's a lot of improvements that could have been done with
} more money. But, unlike Railtrack, BR at least invested enough to keep
} the network stable.
Fine, I'll go with that. ;-)
Come back BR! All is forgiven!
Il est important d'être un homme ou une femme en colère; le jour où nous
quitte la colère, ou le désir, c'est cuit. - Barbara