mo wrote to on Wed, 23 Mar 2005:
whats the point, it probably costs more money getting there in taxi than it
does in parking, also at least once you are out of the theatre and all tired
you can aim straight for the comfort of your own car.
ok maybe it is a little more hassle driving in but its worht it (imo)
I doubt it would cost more to get a taxi, to be honest - and is it worth
getting thoroughly lost and stressed & missing the first half of the
I wouldn't dream of driving into central London even, or perhaps
especially, on a Saturday night. Public transport and/or taxi, or not
at all. We would - and do - drive if we're going across London, right to
the other side, but not into central London except in an emergency!
"Mrs Redboots"
Website updated 20 March 2005