Tube so expensive
Mrs Redboots wrote:
David Cantrell wrote to on Fri, 25 Mar 2005:
On 16 Mar 2005 09:32:26 -0800, "EorJames"
Yes But Labour have put the Taxes up.
But you seem to think im the tories side as well.
Well i dont support any side.
But still taxes have gone up.
Luckly in todays budget petrol hasnt gone up until september.
I dont think Gordon brown would dare.
83p a litre on average is rediculous.
I suggest.
You learn to.
WRITE properly in English.
before jabbering.
About politics.
Isn't he proof that New Labour's education policy hasn't worked very
well.... at least, not in his case!
Be fair, it's at least as good as the Tories.