mo wrote:
"James Farrar" wrote in message
mo wrote:
Is tomorrow 
Doesnt look liek we will have GPS unless I can borrow one by
tomorrow morning
Just out of interest, following Mikes directions we get to
Parliment Square which is just near Downing street - what happens
if you try and go down there? 
You drive into a big metal gate, and the policemen permanently
stationed there take you away, probably under the Prevention of
Terrorism Act 2005... 
just one guard you say? i'll mow him down in my Fiesta 
Can we get close enough to take a photo (why not??) - or can we
just claim we didnt know what was down there!
The gates are pretty bulky, so if you take a photo as you drive past,
you would get a good photo of the gates, but maybe not No. 10 beyond
them. If you stop the car to get out and take a photo, check first
whether it's a no-stopping zone (I'm not sure).
Downing Street is off Whitehall, so it's not actually on Mike's route,
which goes straight through Parliament Square across the end of
Whitehall, then turn left at Big Ben on to the Embankment.
Have a good trip.
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)