RIP 19 RMs
As A Blue Badger I`m sure Ian recognizes the value of an identifiable city
icon and the Routemaster is most certainly that.
I believe that the entire issue has been mishandled from the start by the
TfL folks who muscled in on Hizzonor`s post election programme.
The rather fine condition of the Marshall Refurbished RM`s makes some of the
one-year old replacement vehicles on routes such as the 23 look very gummy
There are issues which detrimentally reflect on the RM but I rather suspect
that the much trumpeted "Disability Access" one is a very large Red Herring.
I have spent the last two days in London and saw far more serious access
issues with brand new Low Floor stock than with any of the Routemasters
still trundling about.
For example Two seperate incidents of Ramps failing.
The first was a failure to deploy which resulted in disappointment but
cancelled out by another bus following behind.
The second however which stuck OUT in Knightsbridge caused a very rapid rise
in the Road Rage indicies of motorists caught in the tailback behind.
In addition the present TfL "Standard" Low Floor arrangement is simply
illogical and unwieldy particularly to the extent to which it actively
discourages Busdrivers from managing their vehicles loadings.
At several times on Sat I came upon dangerously overloaded ALX 400`s with
upwards of 6 people Standing UPstairs.
The resultant inability of passengers to get Off or On at stops merely added
to a sort of grudging understanding for Baroness Thatchers dictum about
those over 30 still using public transport being failures.....
The other oddity about Routemaster operation whish I feel is worthy of
comment is the level of general conversation on board in comparison to a
"New" generation OPO operated Bus.
Maybe it`s me but I felt that general conversation flowed much easier in the
RM`s ....
Any thoughts ???