How Long to Buy a Ticket
"Mrs Redboots" wrote in message
Paul Weaver wrote to on Fri, 1 Apr 2005:
I use public transport every day, train and tube. I rarely use busses as
they are full of scum. A peak-time return is about 50p/mile on trains,
more on the tube.
And a lot less on the buses - which are, as I said, usually filled with
interesting and charming people, often very young, whose heartaches,
noisily expressed to their peers, either directly or via their mobile
telephones, make me smile discreetly to myself....
One thing worse than scum and thats evesdroppers. No doubt you read
newspapers over peoples shoulders too.
As for price, buses are obviously cheaper, as they are full of scum, but
more than that, they are way too slow, It's faster in a car than a bus, even
ignoring door-door, and that's saying something. They stop every 50 yards
for some lazy scumbag druggie to get off and buy their crack or dope or
Everything above is the personal opinion of the author, and nothing to do
with where he works and all that lovely disclaimery stuff.
Posted in his lunch hour too.