In message , Alek
As A Blue Badger I`m sure Ian recognizes the value of an identifiable city
icon and the Routemaster is most certainly that.
Absolutely I do. That's why I pester here perhaps more than I should
about the proposed Heritage Routes. I consider them *very* important.
That's mot to say that I somehow want London's transport to be in a time
warp. The Wright/Gemini buses are very smart indeed and even the
Bendybuses I think have a place (principally on Red Arrow routes of
which there could perhaps be more than at present).
But Routemasters are both handsome and are truly unrivalled at allowing
speedy boarding and alighting.
And many people want to ride on them as part of their sightseeing.
They go alongside K2/K6 telephone kiosks and policemen in the
photographic desires stakes. (Funnily enough, I spent some time this
morning trying to locate a telephone kiosk for a US group, albeit in
Stoke on Trent!)
There are issues which detrimentally reflect on the RM but I rather suspect
that the much trumpeted "Disability Access" one is a very large Red Herring.
I have spent the last two days in London and saw far more serious access
issues with brand new Low Floor stock than with any of the Routemasters
still trundling about.
I've had two experiences of taking a couple of friends (one of whom may
be reading this!) around Central London by bus in the last year or two.
One in a wheelchair and we had repeated problems with the rams simply
not functioning. Staff were helpful and attentive but the ultimate
incident was the complete failure and withdrawal from service of a Bendy
in Whitehall!
In addition the present TfL "Standard" Low Floor arrangement is simply
illogical and unwieldy particularly to the extent to which it actively
discourages Busdrivers from managing their vehicles loadings.
At several times on Sat I came upon dangerously overloaded ALX 400`s with
upwards of 6 people Standing UPstairs.
Yes, I've witnessed that on the 15 on several occasions.
The resultant inability of passengers to get Off or On at stops merely added
to a sort of grudging understanding for Baroness Thatchers dictum about
those over 30 still using public transport being failures.....
I regard being over 30 and using public transport as a badge of honour
most of the time! (That's caused me to be labelled everything from a
"PT Weenie" to a "Train Spotter" in the past. However, those making
such remarks are confusing me with someone who gives a toss.......)
Better calm down now! :-))
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England