Tom Anderson wrote:
What's a good route to cycle from Holloway (round about the Nag's
Head) to
Bloomsbury (specifically, UCL)?
The reason i ask is that this is my commute, but i haven't yet found
good route.
This is my commute too, although I'm heading for the Telecom Tower
rather than UCL.
I can't stand the King's Cross/Euston road bit not for the traffic but
because the road surface is so awful. The seven stations route drives
me mad with all the wierdy cycle lanes that require far more
concentration than being on the road.
So... I've ended up concentrating on the junctions and trying to find a
route that goes straight across the nastier ones. This way you can keep
with the main traffic flow too and there's no trying to pull across
lanes. Being a lazy bugger, I try to follow the contours too so the
route home features no more climbing than necessary.
I head down Caledonian Road and then right onto Brewery Road - it
avoids the hill on Market Road, and I get on well with the crossing
lady outside the primary school down there. We wave at each other every
morning. This is worth braving all the lorries for
Straight across onto Agar Grove which is usually stationary in the
mornings, then down St Pancras Road, right past the canal bridge and
straight across Royal College Street. Then left down the hill trying to
hit the lights in phase, up around the corner of the square and
straight across Eversholt Street onto Hampstead Road and south across
the Euston underpass.