Pre-pay journey resumption question
When using Oyster pre-pay, there are places where you can touch out,
leave the Tube system, touch in again elsewhere, and the system will
treat it as though you are continuing your previous journey rather
than starting a new one. This can happen where you need to leave the
system to change lines (e.g. King's Cross, Hammersmith); there are
also places where you can walk between stations and have this happen
(e.g. Baker Street to Marylebone NR).
The other day, I travelled from Pinner to King's Cross to meet a
friend; we walked from there to Euston, and took the Northern to
Tottenham Court Road. I was surprised to find that the pre-pay system
charged me only once, for the entire journey from Pinner to TCR, as a
single journey. It had treated the journey from Euston as a resumption
of the journey to KX.
So my question is, why did this happen? Does it allow you to have a
walk between *any* two stations as part of your journey, and if so,
what is the time limit? Or does it only work between certain pre-set
pairs of stations? Or does it matter which ticket gate is at one end
of the walk, but not the other? If either of the latter two, is there
a complete list somewhere?