On 21 Apr 2005, PhilD wrote:
purple pete wrote:
Bit of a shame if you wanted Wembley Park tho.
At a wild guess, I'd say that's on
The station name appears as a separate bit on the end of the URL
(sorry, don't know the technical term),
I'd call that a query parameter, although i can't find a citation for that
in the standards anywhere just now.
so you can confuse people if you want to, like this:
This is what we call a Widdecombe, after:
http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sit...he%2 0week%22
For many, many more.
I notice that the station codes are gratuitously incompatible with the
ones NR use for their live departure boards - STR is Stratford or
Stranraer, depending on who you ask. They're also different to LU's own
signal box codes; AIUI, those don't cover every station, though, so
perhaps not surprising.
20 Minutes into the Future