Pre-pay journey resumption question
asdf wrote:
So my question is, why did this happen? Does it allow you to have a
walk between *any* two stations as part of your journey, and if so,
what is the time limit? Or does it only work between certain pre-set
pairs of stations? Or does it matter which ticket gate is at one end
of the walk, but not the other? If either of the latter two, is there
a complete list somewhere?
Tramlink seems to let you do a return journey for the price of a single
(I don't know if this is for similar reasons)... Touched to board at
East Croydon, went to Ampere way/lane, popped into Ikea for half an
hour, touched to board at Ampere Way and didn't get charged. It was
recoded as boarding a TRL1 bus with the second boarding not costing.