In message ,
Thames Ranger writes
"Stimpy" wrote in message
"Thames Ranger" wrote in message
It's thread drift and, in line with Usenet convention the thread has
even been renamed. Live with it or, if you don't like, it just set
your newsreader to ignore the thread.
Great excuse for something that has no relevence to either group. Not.
Well, that is what usually happens. Welcome to Usenet! :-)
Thread drift is fine when it still has *some tenuous link* to the group at
the very least. The actions of Tony Martin have feck all to do with anything
in either group.
That's debatable. After all the right of people (or entities) to defend
their own property from people who break and enter in order to commit
crimes of theft or vandalism *is* something of relevance to the
Personally my sympathies lie entirely with Mr Martin. As I understand
it he fired downwards intending to injure one burglar in the legs, with
no knowledge that the other was crouching there. People who break into
other people's houses (or factories, locosheds, etc) with criminal
intent deserve all they get, and the law should be on the side of the
burgled, not the burglar.
- Jack Howard, Systems Development Engineer, Firstnet Services Limited
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