Off Topic Money exchange
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 18:24:38 +0100, Tony Bryer
If you are going from here to foreign parts you tend to get a pretty
fair rate by using your ATM card if you have a suitable one. Airport
kiosks are IME less than competitive.
This is what I tend to do these days. Beware, however - British cards
do not work everywhere. In particular, I have never encountered a
Belgian cash machine anywhere that would accept a British chip-and-pin
type card, possibly because their standard is different.
This was despite Visa and Cirrus/Maestro symbols appearing on most of
I've never tried in the US, but I have, however, successfully used
British cards to withdraw cash in Germany, Austria and the Czech
Republic, mind, and in no case were charges particularly excessive.
Neil Williams in Milton Keynes, UK
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