Route displays (was: Route 73 - no longer better from every angle)
And, as for roller-blind displays, they are completely unreadable
when they get dirty.
Really? I have never experienced an unreadable roller blind in London.
(alhough Occasionaly been on a 430 which has 74 on the rear blind)
Anyway, Routemasters are meant to be modern buses, right? Printed
destination blinds look comically out of place.
No, routemasters are very old buses which are currently being retired
Next stop announcements, if done sensibly (just the name, not the
rest of the doors opening/closing nonsense...
They do this in Berlin. But hang on, aren't we talking about a
_bus_ here? There are only doors on one side, so what's the
use of telling passengers which side to get out? ;-)
No one suggested telling people which doors to get out of. Some new
buses in London play very irritating announcements such as "Bus
stopping at next bus stop, please stand well clear of doors"; "stand
clear, doors opening", "doors closing" and something about and edge
being triggered.