TfL Board gives approval for next step for DLR Stratford extension
f half of all the passengers going to and from to the airport used the
Jubilee line that would average 7 passengers per train. Given that
virtually all the flights are business orientated that proportion is
Yes , because you'll never get many business people travelling to
docklands from LCA will you. And i'd be interested to know just
how many extra people travel to stratford now the JLE goes there
who wouldn't have used the DLR previously.
An airport is not a 'clear target' simply because it's an airport. It's
because of the figures above that only the DLR is going there - and
more importantly, serving the airport as only as an intermediate
station, not a terminus (Woolwich is the ultimate terminus).
So an airport used by a large number of business people isn't a
clear target for a tube line that goes through a major business
district , but an area thats already got a surfeit of public transport
connections is. Hmm , well I'm sure theres logic in your argument
somewhere but I'm buggered if I can see it. Incidentaly , have a
think about whether the DLR would be having a new extension if
LCA didn't exist.
Very Margaret Thatcher like thinking. Perhaps the fact that the area is
Thank you, I'll take that as a complement.
being redeveloped will be aided by the presence of the Jubilee line.
So the jubilee line will somehow magically transform all the chavs
and other assorted dregs of humanity in that ******** of an area into
worthy upstanding citizens where the central line, NLL , DLR etc
of an integrated transport system. By your logic British Museum would
still be open instead of Holborn on the Central line, "because the
Piccadilly line already goes there".
Err no., Because the lines would cross anyway as they go to their
respective destinations. However I doubt someone would have come
along and said "ooo , I know , we won't send the piccadilly line to
finsbury park , we'll make it terminate at liverpool street even tho
the met, circle , H&C and central already go there."
Will you now admit that the figures don't stack up for your case?
Are you having a laugh? Your arguments are so full of holes they
would make a swiss cheese envious.