Bus Route 3 Oxford Circus - Crystal Palace
I have read some of the comments made and as a bus driver myself I agree
with some of them.
But maybe if the bus companies increase wages to an acceptable level the
rogue drivers could then be weeded out of the system.
Before privatisation bus drivers used to get paid more than a tube driver.
Now tube drivers get at least £10,000 more than bus drivers.
Low pay, no moral, long working hours, and buses that are not roadworthy
does not help.
Oh yes, bus companies do put buses that are not safe in service so they
don't lose their 'mileage'.
I was suspended and almost lost my job because I refused to drive a bus with
a serious defect.
Thank goodness I won on appeal!
"Rupert Candy" wrote in message
ONscotland wrote:
Some other people I have spoken to (with no knowledge of my accident)
have called the Number 3 the kamikaze journey... so I was wondering if
anyone else has experience of this service...
I use it daily, and in my opinion it is one of the worst bus routes in
London. It has got very slightly better since Travel London bought out
Connex (who didn't seem to do any maintenance on the vehicles, or train
their drivers at all), but the buses are still scruffy and falling to
bits and the same old drivers still seem to have the same cavalier
attitude to the passengers on their (frequently overcrowded) buses. The
former Connex operation has recently lost the franchise for the 322
(which was even worse) to London General, and I very much hope the same
happens when the 3 comes up for tender next year.