I was surprised yesterday evening to see a huge horde of rollerbladers
pouring down Exhibition Road, South Kensington, from Hyde Park at about
20:15. They were occupying the whole width of the southbound carriageway,
with some of the marshals skating down the northbound side. They ignored
traffic lights.
I understand that this is a regular Wednesday evening event, though the
route varies. Details at
http://www.londonskate.com .
I didn't see any police, though I wasn't within sight of the front of the
column. How long has this been going on? Do the police take any interest
in it?
And what is the legal position of a rollerblader/skater on the road? I
suspect that they are not classified as vehicles, in which case if a hundred
or more of them skate through a red light, obstructing the right of way of
pedestrians and vehicles, what are they guilty of?
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)