London to Brighton bike ride next week (blatant plug for me!)
Adrian wrote:
chris harrison ) gurgled happily, sounding much like
they were saying :
But it is very similar to asking what a 50 grand car will get you that
a 5 grand one won't.
Is it?
You asked the question, are you giving the answer, too?
You get better technology, better materials, higher quality
Do you get more space, more comfort, and more functionality?
Those are not typically factors considered when spending that sort of
amount on a bike - but if you are just measuring issues of utility, of
getting from A to B, then the issues are similar.
better performance.
Really? sceptical Y'see, I was of the impression that the £5k bike would
use the same power source as the £500 bike. Yes, there may be a very minor
weight saving, but that's going to be minimal when you consider the weight
including rider. a few hundred grams saved over a hundred kilo all-in
weight? Similar difference to having a dump before you get on the bike.
It's not just weight, but that is a consideration. Different
constructions (e.g. wheels, frame), more expensive materials which are
stiffer and thus more effective at transferring the power generated
directly to where it is useful.
Consider road bikes. At the cheap end of the market (e.g. less than 500
quid) you can still get a more than decent machine which will, to most
people, do a great job of getting them from A to B without too much
fuss. It will even allow them to do it with reasonable speed. The
marginal improvements of the next step up (to under 1000) will be
evident, but not generally necessary unless you're doing a lot of
mileage and training/racing seriously. As you spend more and more you
will suffer from diminishing returns, so if you are buying to commute or
just pootle then, yes, 5 grand is a waste and you shouldn't be doing it.
But if you are racing, where seconds counts and fractions of a percent
make a real difference ... then spending more is just something that has
to happen. Same as with a car. Same as with a boat. Same as with most
things used for competitions as opposed to utility.
And, yes, having a dump or not having seconds of pudding can make a
difference - but if you're doing that *as*well* as having decent kit ...