London to Brighton bike ride next week (blatant plug for me!)
The Caretaker wrote:
JohnB wrote:
One had the front quick release done up finger tight - it was clear no
spanner had been used.
Why would a spanner be used on a quick release?
Of course you are right.
slaps head with wet fish
The quick release mechanism should be tightened by means of the QR lever.
Some people turn the lever like using a spanner to hold the wheel in place.
Of course the leverage is far less than using a spanner on ordinary
wheel nuts.
I suspect they think of the QR lever in the same way as they do a spanner.
Thanks to the US litigation culture many bikes have those 'lawyers'
lips' on teh fork ends which help prevent a wheel falling out should the
QR not be tight enough, but then they negate much of the purpose of the
QR in the first place.
John B