Wandsworth Town
Can any readers enlighten me as to why the platform at which Up trains
now stop has been transferred from the island platform (2, I think) to
the Southernmost platfrom (1, I think)? This latter platform has
third-world facilities: a semi-derelict staircase, no seats, a decrepit
wooden shelter that looks as if it is about to fall down and no
platform canopy for inclement weather. Also, the platform is so short
that only the doors of the first 4 carriages open. And, worse of all,
there is no ticket office there - to buy a ticket, one has to climb all
the way up to Platform 2/3 where the office is, then all the way down
again, through the tunnel and up the stairs to platform 1. Hardly
convenient or sensible!
I realise that the reason for this situation is that the fast and slow
lines have been swapped - but why, and for how long?