"Paul Terry" wrote in message
In message , Mrs Redboots
I didn't think Germany did, but last holidays we were driving in both,
and my husband commented, when we got into Germany, that they followed a
similar system to us. So perhaps they've changed - or else, perhaps
they have red, followed by separate amber, followed by green? I was too
busy navigating to notice!
The most common traffic lights in Germany are indeed like UK ones:
Very interesting. There are some interesting features that we could do with
adopting he I like the idea of the red light as well as the green light
at filter junctions having an arrow. At a junction where there are separate
lights for straight ahead and turn left (or right), it's difficult to know
as you are approaching whether both sets of lights are the same (normal
junction) or separate (filter junction). Many times I've instictively braked
because I've seen a red light, only to realise that it's for the other
stream of traffic and that I've got a green. If the filter red light was
red, you could tell at a glance whether or not it applied to you.
What's the German rule on roundabouts (if they have them in Germany)? Do you
give way to traffic on the roundabout coming from your left (ie mirror image
of the situation in Britain) or does traffic already on the roundabout have
to give way to traffic that wants to join, as I believe is the case in The