Buggies are wheelchairs!
"Adrian" wrote in message
. 244.170...
Ian F. ) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
were saying :
On a bus this afternoon, I was sitting on one of the jump-seats in the
wheelchair area. A girl with a buggy got on and glared at me
Lucky you...
until I got up and gave her my place.
In Blackpool a notice has been placed on the buses stating how many
wheelchairs and/or buggies can be carried at one time. Great! Management
passing the buck and putting the onus on the driver to sort it out once
again! Wheelchairs should have priority over any sort of baby carriage.
Most of the young mothers look to me like a short walk would do them good
In reply to A. - why should the buggy been hung on the front? Hang the
parent for sure, but the buggies done nothing wrong!
Dave G