Bus Use in London Emergency
"Han Monsees" wrote in message
.. .
I was a bit surprised to hear that 'walking wounded' from Kings X were
transported to an hospital near Liverpool Street that was already dealing
with serious wounded from Aldgate East and Liverpool Street stations. My
first thought was to move minor injured persons form Kings X by mainline
trains to places like Luton or Watford, taking off pressure from the
London hospitals.
It depends how the casualties got there. The ambulance service follows a
laid down incident plan - casualties arriving on foot or by other means
could turn up anywhere (and at any time...delayed shock means some can
wander for hours).
Trains would not normally be considered for use in this way for a variety of
logistical reasons.
Speaking as someone who works in the Ambulance Service I would caution
against people on the 'outside looking in' as it were speculating on what
should or shouldn't be happening - there really are a number of factors that
come into play in these situations.