LU chaos
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 13:51:02 +0100, Mrs Redboots
RayB wrote to on Thu, 7 Jul 2005:
Good to know you are okay, Kat.
Indeed. What of our other friends from LUL - could you post a
reassurance that you're okay, too, please!
Yes I'm in one piece and back at home. A very strange day in the office
as events unravelled. The mood reminded me of the day after the Kings
Cross fire back in 1987.
There's not a lot else to say that isn't on the news. Very eerie in
Central London early afternoon with many shops closed and large volumes
of people walking to get about. Front line operational colleagues who
helped with the evacuation looked like they'd had a tough time. There's
a lot of work needed to get things back to normal so perhaps we could
exercise a bit of common sense in how people comment? - don't expect a
normal service to run immediately no matter how heroic people's efforts
will be to get things running again.
I headed off via Bloomsbury and Islington to get home. Bus services were
starting by the time I got to the Angel as 38s headed into town. I
picked up a 56 at Balls Pond Road and got home from there.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!