timescale wrong
Edward Cowling London UK wrote:
I've been pondering on what seemed wrong about my journey
yesterday, and the time of events doesn't make sense unless
London Underground had suspicions something was amiss.
I arrived at Wood Green station at 8:30 to discover it was
locked and a notice saying the service was suspended
between Arnos Grove and Kings Cross.
Yet the Piccadilly line bomb was at 08:50 ?!
Could be coincidental problems, but it makes you wonder.
Plus I then went off to Finsbury Park and ended up at
Oxford Circus just as the one wet off at Edgware Road, so
if they knew something was likely it would have been nice
if they'd shared those ideas !
I was running late yesterday morning, so caught the BBC London travel
bulletin around 08:55 and they said there were _ongoing_ severe delays
to the Northern, Piccadilly & Bakerloo, two of which I'd normally use.
I figured I'd walk to Bounds Green, see what was happening, and then
back-track to Bowes Park to get WAGN into Moorgate if necessary.
Funnily enough, just before I left - by which time I'd switched the TV
off - a friend from Manchester texted me to ask if I was at work, which
I thought was a bit odd. As it was, when I got within sight of Bounds
Green I saw the gates were down, so walked straight back to Bowes Park,
although there wasn't a train due for about ten minutes. Getting
there, though, I found a train that "hadn't moved for ages" and
eventually the driver said it would be going to Alexandra Palace and
terminating there, so I decided to head home, especially after a text
from a work colleague revealed she was stuck at Clapham. Walking back,
the same friend who texted earlier rang to ask if I was okay, what with
all the bombs going off and stuff. I suppose if I'd been more on time,
I'd've ended up stuck in a tunnel either side of the K-X/RSq train that
got hit....