Where are the jokes about the tube bombs?
Oh, and i think that joke is bloody funny.
It's not that funny, but at least people are trying to get a grip on it
Fair enough,humour to ease the tension is one thing,but not 36hrs after
multiple bombings in a city of approx.8-million.Nerves are still pretty raw
at that time....Agreed on the point that it's a relief valve for many,and
when there's not lives and missing people,most anything is fair
game....IMHO,it's pretty sick under the circumstances as they stand,even
today almost 5 days later....I LOVE a good joke as much,if not more than the
next guy,but try cracking one off to somebody whose loved one is still in
the tunnel.
All I'm pointing out is tact,and decorum....Jokes at this point until
everyone's found and/or identified and families notified is if nothing
else,in bad taste.