Real meaning of names.
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:58:28 GMT, Anthropy wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:35:22 -0400, Sarah Czepiel
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 07:55:30 GMT, the guvnor
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 00:22:26 -0400, Ken Ehrett wrote:
Well, since we don't know your real name because you are too much of a
****ing coward and pussy to use it in your anonymous posts
This from a sock??
Ken and Sarah. Don't they sound like a lovely couple?
If we are to believe that Sarah is the "real" person and Ken is the
sock we have to ask ourselves why does she do this? Maybe it's an
naive attempt to imitate the police during the questioning of a
suspect i.e nice policeman (Sarah), nasty policeman (Ken). The trouble
is it's not to hard to wind up Sarah till Ken pops out.
I also wonder if this "relationship" is confined to antu or are we
merely seeing a manifestation of it. For example perhaps Sarah's
neighbours wonder about her illusive partner. They can hear her
talking to him through the walls but no-one has ever seen him. The
strangest thing is they make love regularly every Friday night, but
Ken is never seen. (perhaps)
Come on, if you're a neighbour or confidant of Sarah's, tell all. Dish
the dirt, we're all friends here.
You must be stupid or high on drugs, Assthrobby. Both Ken and I have
stated numerous times we are friends who've known each other for over
10 years. When I am down in Washington on business Ken and I usually
get together for dinner and whathaveyou as most friends are apt to do.
We'll see if your buddy Alanb is going to wimp out and refuse to meet
up with both Ken and me the next time I'm down to DC sometime in
October/November. In the mean time you keep hiding behind numerous
fake nyms and posting links to gay New York models claiming its you.