Roland Perry wrote:
In message .com, at
07:31:16 on Tue, 12 Jul 2005, remarked:
Supposedly it is every 2 to 4 minutes at that time of day.
On the Circle, I doubt it. Or did the question actually refer to any
kind of train on the line?
There is a
schedule, but the important point is the gap between trains. Assuming
30 seconds in the station you might actually have a 1 in 4 chance of
that happening. I'm not suggesting the trains have to both be stopped
at the same time, merely one in the station when the other is
When asking questions about things like this it's important to be
If they were both stopped you might not have time to
plant bomb one, cross the platform and plant bomb two before the doors
So perhaps the wrong question was asked? If the question was "how long
before any train leaves in the opposite direction" then 2-3 minutes
would be a sensible answer.
The first two bombs were in the middle of the trains (3rd and 2nd car)
so I doubt anyone was hanging out at the end of the platform.
Which cars exactly? If it was (say) 3rd and 5th [or 2nd and 6th], then
that would suggest the same position on the platform.
according to BBC eastbound was 2nd car and westbound was also 2nd car,
although the police said floor of 3rd car.
Is it something relatively common? If it is
then waiting for such an occurance to start the process would minimize
the time planting the first two bombs and gives you as much as 10
minutes before you have to be at the Picadilly Line.
I would expect it to be pretty random. You might find the two trains
there, or you might easily have to wait 150% of the published interval.
I agree, that would be why I suggest showing up around 8:30 or so and
waiting. If you have trains every 4 minutes and a 1 in 5 chance of
this happening,
I think we have pretty much established that the original question was
you will certainly catch a break before 9:00
And will have blown yourself up by 8.51 ? (If all the bombs had fuses
preset to that time).
I thought we were talking statistically here. If you have 5 to 7
trains passing in a given direction over the course of half an hour and
a 1 in 5 chance that you will have trains in opposite directions
converging on the platform, then at SOME POINT during the half hour you
are virtually guaranteed of this happening at least once.
Given the time of detonation and the relative distances from KXSP, it
looks like that convergence would have to occur around 8:38 to 8:40
Roland Perry