On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 10:22:51 +0100 Clive D. W. Feather wrote:
} In article , Matthew
} Malthouse writes
} A favoured dodge of the local youf was to drop a couple of low
} denomination coins into the box quickly so the driver was unlikely to
} see what had been used knowing that if challeneged there was no way of
} proving their fraud.
} When I was growing up in Southend-on-Sea some of the blue buses (but not
} the green ones) had a no-change-given system - you could overpay. You
} dropped the coins into a hopper and the machine would print images of
} them on to the paper ticket (one bit of fun was to drop lots of 1/2p
} coins in for, e.g. a 20p fare, so that you got a really long ticket).
} [Clearly the coins were being pressed against a typewriter-style ribbon.
} Not only were the images reversed on the paper and randomly rotated, you
} could see the different designs of shilling and florin.]
A florin for a bus ride? Seems expensive. :-)
Záhid sharáb píné dé, masjid mein baith kar
ya woh jagah batá dé jahán Khudá na ho.