Emergency services gone crazy
Well the BBC in Wood Lane was target a few years ago (admittedly by the IRA
I believe) and a suspect vehicle (Taxi?) was blown up by the authorities.
Also, now everyone is on tender hooks, you'll find that the empty McDonalds
back all of a sudden becomes an unattended package AKA a suspect package.
Loony T
"Iain" wrote in message
"Phil Lepherd" wrote in
Is it just me, or has the amount of emergency services using their
sirens increased in the days since 7/7? Each and every time I set
foot outside this week, the air has been split by about three
emergency vehicles sreaming past. Hey! As I type this I can hear the
shreik through the window!
I don't know about increased siren use, but if you walk through the
streets of London you can't help but notice an incredibly high police
Is the hot weather causing emergencies, or are more people panicking
and ringing emergency services for whatever reason; or maybe there
are the usual number of bomb hoaxes rung through by cretins? I saw
the police block off Wood Lane (to the BBC) the other day. That's got
hoax written all over it.
Wood Lane was shut off because a passenger on a bus outside Television
Centre noticed an unattended package. Given that this happened just a
few days after the bombings, would *you* be the one to say "oh not to
worry, someone's probably just forgotten their lunch"?
Also bear in mind that the BBC is considered a high-profile target for
terrorists: on 7/7 there were police officers stationed outside every
BBC building (on Home Office instructions, apparently), and even now the
BBC is on a permanent heightened state of alert. Just stand in front of
TV Centre for 5 minutes and watch the vehicles going in and you'll see
that all cars and bags coming on to BBC premises are being thoroughly