On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 07:55:58 -0400, America the Beautiful
Sarah Czepiel wrote:
On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 06:34:44 -0400, America the Beautiful
Uncle Fester wrote:
America the Beautiful wrote
Whenever. It'll be interesting to see California rise up against the
rest of you.
Like that would ever happen..
How many nuclear bunkers are sold in the US annually ?
Beats me. I didn't know there was a market for them. But that has
something to do with California because?
Plenty of your fellow merkins are not convinced that California won't
rise up against them.
Because they won't, Stupid. And why would they?
Eeesh Chris! From where did you drag up this retard, Uncle Fester?
I don't know. It must be that time of year again when their governments
let them play on the computer for a short time. Funny how he tries to
trounce us Americans with his screen name of a great American icon Uncle
I wonder if he's a rotund fatty like Uncle Fester?